McKenna Stumph

12 Articles Published | Follow:
A row of books authored by Stephen Paul Sayers with titles facing out

From the Research Lab to the Writer’s Keyboard

Columbia author’s literary path began with his daughter’s challenge.  Stephen Paul Sayers wishes he’d discovered…

Featured Person Using American Sign Language To Assist A Caller On A Video Crisis Line Call (1)

Keeping Pace 

DeafLEAD is a Deaf-run and Deaf-led nonprofit organization offering 24/7 crisis intervention, advocacy, case management,…

Logo and title for Impact COMO

Impact COMO 2024: The Winners Are …

Recognizing the people, nonprofits, and events serving as change agents in Columbia.  Columbia is built…

Violet Vonder Haar With A Group Of Campers

Rock On!

Compass helps young musicians chart a creative journey.   An 11-year-old rock guitarist channels Joan Jett.…

The Donor Wall At The New Ronald Mcdonald House In Columbia Missouri

New Ronald McDonald House Provides Respite

The yard at the Ronald McDonald House is large and has little traffic noise, even…

A Stressed Out Teenager Stares At Her Bright Phone Screen

988 Lifeline Turns 2

‘Team effort’ charts success, increased call volume for suicide prevention network.  Teamwork and partnerships are…

Tracking the Trails

Local parks, old rail corridors provide a plethora of hiking paths.

Koi Fish illustration

Destined to Flourish

Shelter for homeless, traumatized teens focuses on safety and life skills.

Clarity Healthcare Scholar Clinic Ribbon Cutting

Scholar Clinic Serves CPS Students

New health focus targets obstacles that students encounter.

Busy Builder

A recent $1.3 million investment from Veterans United Home Loans (VU) has blossomed into $34…

Mobility Cart with young child

Raising Funds and Awareness: Craft Beer and Carts

Among the hundreds of photos in the shop at Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia, there’s…

T-shirt with the design for the 15th annual Pedaler's Jamboree.

Ready to Ride: Pedaler’s Jamboree Turns 15

Fifteen years ago, Iowa native Mike Denehy developed an unparagoned notion that birthed a significant…