The Columbia 3M plant manager confirmed Friday that the company is planning to expand its…
Election 2010
Rezoning Dispute
A summer thunderstorm that dumped more than three inches of rain on Columbia and caused pileups on Interstate 70 also came close to washing away the chances of finishing the Maguire Boulevard extension in time for IBM’s move into the LeMone Industrial Park.
Dave Griggs’ breakfast group, “the cronies,” usually meets on Tuesday. But the group had a special dinner in Boonville on Friday, May 14, and the chairman of Regional Economic Development Inc. was eating next to City Manager Bill Watkins, another member of the group. Just past 7 p.m., both of their cell phones rang with the same message: The community had reached an agreement with IBM.
In a departure from its usual practice, the City Council opted not to reappoint one…
*Undergraduate Inventor*Journalism student Tony Brown invented the iPhone apps that caused MU to change compensation rules
Columbia is trying to add one more carrot to help lure a data center or…
The seven-member City Council holds its first meeting Monday after the biggest turnover since Darwin Hindman was elected 15 years ago.
Mayor Bob McDavid, 3rd Ward Councilman Gary Kespohl and 4th Ward Councilman Daryl Dudley were all endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and join two current City Council members deemed business-friendly, Jason Thornhill and Laura Nauser, to form what could be called a business-friendly supermajority.
Columbia is knee-deep in stormwater problems. A commercial building on Business Loop 70 was about…
*Health Care Overview*How the nation’s health care overhaul will affect the city’s businesses and workforce
The debate over the fair balance of public and private contributions to Columbia’s infrastructure is…