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November: A Closer Look

Arches Footwear Arches Footwear began as a small retail truck called Stadium Shoes, traveling throughout…

November: Movers and Shakers

Elizabeth Herrera Herrera has taken over as executive director of True North, a support organization…

Six Common Wine Myths

Debunking the tasting room talk. As the person that is often standing on the other…

October: A Closer Look

Kelly Fields Boutique Catherine-Clare Kelly, owner of Kelly Fields Boutique, started her first business in…

Love Your Library: DBRL’s March to the Future

Ten minutes before 9 a.m. on a hot and humid summer morning, dozens of patrons…

Briefly in the News: October

VU’s New Digs Veterans United recently leased the 15,000-square-foot Museao building at 3500 Buttonwood Dr.…

PYSK: Steven Sapp, Community Relations Director, City of Columbia

Age: 57. Job description: Chief storyteller of all things City of Columbia. Years lived in Columbia/mid-Missouri:…

October: Movers and Shakers

Scott Fuenfhausen Scott Fuenfhausen, Columbia Area Career Center marketing instructor, was recognized as the 2016…

Michael Trapp, Ward 2 City Councilman

What’s the most difficult challenge in fulfilling your councilperson duties? The most difficult challenge should…

Jenny’s 21 Day Challenge

  My 21 day challenge was to wake up at least 30-45 minutes earlier than…

Logo - Job Point's Company Feud

Job Point’s Company Feud

Survey says…! Job Point needs your help! It’s newest fundraiser, Job Point’s Company Feud, is…

PYSK: Ed Hanson, Director, Talking Horse Productions

Job description: As the founder of the company (formed in 2011), I’m both the business…