COMO Staff

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A Taste of Culture

Local Thai and Indian restaurants put their twist on traditional dishes for COMO Living’s gourmet…

Briefly in the News: February

St. James Stewardship St. James Winery, home of the largest vineyards in Missouri, received an…

2017 20 Under 40 Video

Thank you to every one who made it out to the 2017 20 Under 40…

Beth Bramstedt - Editorial Director - COMO Magazine

Staff PYSK: Beth Bramstedt, Editor

Beth joined the Business Times Company team in January of 2017 to serve as the…

Healing Fear

“I am in a constant state of fear. Can you help me?” This was a…

Briefly in the News: January

Patriot Park Grant The Patriot Park project, a joint effort of the Columbia Housing Authority,…

January: Movers and Shakers

John Gordon John Gordon has been promoted to the rank of deputy chief of the…

PYSK: Joe Miller, Central Missouri President, First State Community Bank

Job description: Management of Columbia, Moberly, Mexico, and Boonville markets for FSCB. Age:  50. Years…

January: A Closer Look

Taco Tuesday, Everyday If you don’t know what a walking taco is, imagine all the…

Polly Reynolds, Vice President and Trust Officer, The Trust Company    

Couple You Should Know — Mike Tompkins and Mary Kroening

  Mike Tompkins, Tompkins Construction, and Mary Kroening, Hidden Treasures Tours   How did you…

Strong Woman: Jessie Kwatamdia

Jessie Kwatamdia, Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter What’s your background? I’m a native…