Assistant Vice President, Audit, Asst. Security and BSA Compliance AGE: 32 JOB DESCRIPTION: As you…
Although we’ve all heard of Intel, Ben & Jerry’s and FedEx, you may not know…
High-tech cards and phones could change the way you spend and manage your money New…
Local bank reports of inside of market deposits as of March 31, 2007. (Calculations may…
Clean-up in Aisle 3 Could Hy-Vee be planning additional stores in Columbia? And could those…
The summer of renovation is under way in downtown Columbia, as warehouses and factories are…
Administrative Director, Cancer Research Center AGE: 36 JOB DESCRIPTION: I oversee the daily operations, development…
Real Estate Loan Officer, First National Bank – Age: 32 In April 1996, after earning…
Vice President of Administration, Atkins, Inc. – Age: 38 In 1989 Emily Thoroughman graduated from…
Assistant Vice President/Auditor, Assistant Security, and BSA Compliance Officer, Boone County National Bank – Age:…
Outcomes/Information Technology Manager, Phoenix Programs, Inc. – Age: 30 Sarah Smith Seris moved to Columbia…
Assistant Vice President/Regional Managing Officer, Boone County National Bank – Age: 32 When it comes…