The COMO Mojo: Reimagining Your Passion

- "The COMO Mojo: Reimagining Your Passion" originally appeared in the February 2025 "Passion Project" issue of COMO Magazine.

If there’s one thing January teaches us, it’s that extreme resolutions rarely stick. Yes, it’s tempting to pledge to read five books a month or hit the gym four times a week, but let’s be honest — most of those ambitious goals fizzle out before February even breathes our direction. I actually just learned that January 17 is “National Ditch Your Resolution Day.” The more you know. (If you’re one of those rare unicorns with unshakable determination, good for you — but please, take your smugness elsewhere! Kidding. Kind of.)
However, just because we might not achieve our lofty goals right away doesn’t mean we should throw the baby out with the bath water. This same mindset should also apply to our passion projects. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of writing a novel, starting a nonprofit, or learning a language, but life gets in the way. Financial hurdles, packed schedules, or even a little self-doubt can stop us before we even begin.
I’ve learned that I may not be able to commit entirely to whatever extravagant goal I set for myself, but I don’t want to let that barrier extinguish my passion. That’s why I like to do a little “dipping my toe in the water” action.
For example, in March or April last year, I decided to learn Portuguese. Many years ago, my grandma immigrated from the Azorean Islands and brought with her a rich world of culture, from music to food to art. In 2017, shortly after her death, I had the opportunity to visit São Jorge, São Miguel, and Terceira, three of the nine Portuguese islands, with my family. And man, I tell you, if I could’ve stayed forever, I would’ve.
One of my biggest regrets is not trying to learn the language when my grandma was still alive, but I have to remind myself that I can still learn now. And while I don’t have the time to, say, meet with a language tutor weekly or to binge Portuguese television with English subtitles in the hope that I pick something up, I do a lesson on Duolingo every single day. Sometimes, it’s a couple, but most days, it’s just one. Sure, I’m learning at a snail’s pace, but it makes me feel closer to her and connected to my familial roots, and that’s what I care about the most. And hey, I know a lot more than I did almost a year ago!
In other words, don’t let the socially constructed idea of “success” snuff the light that is your passion. Engage in any way you can. If you want to write a novel, write for fifteen minutes a day. If you want to paint a mural, start on a small canvas until the time allows for a more extensive project. Want to start a nonprofit? Volunteer at an established nonprofit that supports your mission.
Passion projects shouldn’t be defined by crossing some imaginary finish line but by moving closer to what brings you joy and connects you to the people and world around you. And all progress is worth celebrating.

Associate Editor Kelsey Winkeljohn