Horse Drawn Carriage Rides x 2

The District invites holiday lovers of all kinds to join downtown for another season of horse drawn carriage rides. The response to the event was so big tht a second carriage has been added, with the hopes of doubling the total of 1,000 riders this year.
Cozy up in the heated bubble while you wait, then enjoy rides around historic downtown area and take pictures of all the holiday decor.
“It’s a one-of-a-kind holiday experience. Come enjoy the holiday spirit with a horse-drawn carriage ride through The District,” said Nikki Reese, events and business coordinator for The District (Downtown Community Improvement District).
The rides are available every Saturday through November and Saturday and Sunday in December through the 17th. Rides will start at 4 p.m. in the North Village Arts District in the courtyard by Fretboard Coffee & Wishflour Bakery and end at 7 pm. Come early to grab your tickets before they run out, Cedar Hollow Farms will be set up at 3:30 to hand out tickets. Tickets are only good for the day of the event.
Find more information about the event here.