Couple You Should Know: Zac and Laura Cutler

Zac and Laura Cutler discover happiness close by.
Zac and Laura Cutler, owners of The Station House at Katfish Katy’s, discuss their relationship and what makes it special.
How did you meet?
Zac: Laura and I met through the Mizzou Water Ski and Wakeboard Club circa 2004. I had just arrived at college and she picked me up from the dorm to go water skiing at Mark Twain Lake with her and a family friend. She was the president of the club and I was the first member.
What was your first date?
Laura: We knew each other as close friends for about eight years before we started dating. In 2012, Zac was living in Columbia and I was visiting from Chicago. We were headed to a water ski tournament south of Jefferson City on Zac’s motorcycle. Something wasn’t quite right with the bike, so we pulled off on the Wardsville exit — indeed, a failed front wheel bearing kept us off the highway. Waiting for friends to come with a trailer, we ordered Chinese delivery. A very skeptical delivery driver eventually arrived. The fortune in the fortune cookie said, “Stop searching forever, happiness is right next to you.” You can’t make this stuff up.
What is the key to a lasting and healthy relationship?
L: Maintaining unique and shared interests, trust, and laughter.
Z: Honesty with each other and an ability to talk, but also the understanding that everyone needs space. I’ve always joked that being a good roommate with someone is key. You must be able to live together well!
What makes you most proud of your partner?
L: He’s kind to a fault. I know, and our friends and family know, that if there’s one person you can call in a time of need with absolutely no fear of judgment, it’s Zac. He also fixes things — anything, really.
Z: Laura is wicked smart. Watching her apply logic to a situation is always impressive! On top of that, though, she’s a good person. It’s hard to beat that!
What is one thing people don’t know about your spouse?
L: More Ovaltine, please! He loves that stuff.
Z: She is literally unbeatable at Boggle.
How does business play into your relationship dynamics?
L: In every way! We have to make a point to shut it off. With no children, our professional lives take up a clear majority of our time and conversation. Best to communicate about it now so both the business and our relationship function better in the end!
Z: We generally work well together. I have a very operation-oriented mindset, whereas Laura excels at the numbers. I get the job done, and she keeps me in check! Sometimes keeping the business discussion out of our relaxation time can be tough, but ultimately those conversations yield great ideas.
What is unique about your relationship?
L: Zac tends to be (is always) the better housekeeper. Cooking, cleaning, laundry — forever grateful over here!
Z: When going boating, we are a well-oiled machine on the boat ramp. No fighting. We can both back the trailer up or drive the boat.
What is your favorite restaurant in Columbia?
L: Broadway Brewery – it’s our “Cheers”!