Looking Fabulous (Without Trying)

In one of my recent blogs, I wrote about how you should select a paint color for your walls that makes you look fabulous (and let’s be honest, we all want to look fabulous).
Perhaps with the exception of a hospital room, the interior of our home is where we are at our, well, beauty-worst. Ours walls are silent witnesses to our unshaven legs, uncombed hair, makeup-free faces, and post-workout sweaty bodies. We are most relaxed in our homes, and with true relaxation, social norms go out the window. It is divine.
When you aren’t wanting to put any effort into your own appearance, why not have your surroundings make you look better without any effort?
Women have it drilled into their heads that from the time they start waddling around in their mama’s heels and smearing on fire-engine red lipstick, each woman has an ideal color palette she should utilize to look her best. We’ve all seen someone — whether that be a co-worker, spouse, friend, parent, whoever — who suddenly, one day, looks more attractive. You start to analyze. Overall, they look the same: no plastic surgery, no dramatic weight loss or gain, same hairstyle, same personality. And then it hits you. It’s the color of their clothes.
Their clothes are helping to bring out their eyes, their smile, or the various tones in their hair. It seems so simple, but color has a dramatic impact on a person’s look, and this basic principle can also be applied to your home. The same color in your favorite dress can easily be applied on your walls and have the same effect.
If you have no idea what your colors are, throw on some comfy socks, watch “Saved By The Bell” reruns, and have a nostalgic moment as you take this tone quiz from Seventeen magazine: http://www.seventeen.com/beauty/beauty-quizzes/a7682/skin-tone-quiz/
Once you know your colors, don’t shave your legs or comb your hair. Just paint your room and feel fabulous.