Cradle to Career Alliance Board of Directors

Dr. Chris Belcher
Assistant Professor, MU
Steve Calloway
President, Minority Men’s Network
Melissa Carr
Director, Daniel Boone Regional Library
Karla DeSpain
DeSpain Cayce
Darin Ford
Superintendent, Centralia Public Schools
Andrew Grabau
Executive Director, Heart of Missouri United Way
Steve Hollis
Human Services Manager, Columbia Dept. of Public Health
Dr. Jack Jensen
Executive Director, First Chance for Children
Dr. Jeffrey Lashley
President, Moberly Area Community College
Dr. Dianne Lynch
President, Stephens College
Teresa Maledy
Regional President, Commerce Bank
Dr. Bob McDavid
Retired Mayor, City of Columbia
Mike Middleton
Interim President, UM System
Jean Nicklas
Director of Communications and Membership, REDI
Phil Peters
Professor Emeritus, MU
Darin Pries
Executive Director, Central Missouri Community Action
Lynn Proctor
Superintendent, Harrisburg Public Schools
Randy Reeves
News Director, KOMU TV
Monica Roberts
Director, The Tiger Institute, CERNER
Dr. Tom Rose
Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospital
Robert Ross
Minority Men’s Network
Dr. Terry Smith
Professor, Columbia College
Phil Steinhaus
CEO, Columbia Housing Authority
Dr. Peter Stiepleman
Superintendent, Columbia Public Schools
Karen Taylor
Executive Vice President, Central Bank of Boone County
Janet Thompson
Boone County Commissioner
Kelly Wallis
Director, Boone County Services
Bishop Lester Woods
Urban Empowerment Ministries; MoDOT
Michelle Zvanut
Vice President, Boone Hospital Center