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Are You On FIRE For Life?

Are You On FIRE For Life?

Are you on FIRE for life? What does that even mean? I think that being on fire for life is something that many people are not.   To me, being on fire is enjoying and living life to the fullest, doing your best and helping others along the way. So, are you on FIRE for LIFE? Some days I am, some days not! Embracing who you are and what you stand for can be scary and liberating…it can also change who you thought you were.

A few months ago, I attended a Columbia Chamber – Women’s Network Luncheon: What’s Your Plan Be? With Libby Spears, I LOVED HER!!! She was lively, interactive and FUNNY! Some of her points hit me straight between the eyes and made me think about my life and refocus on being me. She had three words that described her up on the screen, and suggested we all put together our three descriptive words…well, I couldn’t narrow it down to 3…here are mine:


What are your words?

After the short period of time that Libby was on stage, I went back to the rat-race of life and kind of forgot about what she said. Like most of you, I had work, kids to care for (being a moms taxi), volunteer work and a house to clean (well, I do have a house to clean…I just don’t)! Then several days later, in the middle of the night when I couldn’t shut off my brain, I started thinking about what Libby had said. What were the words that I thought described me…what do I stand for? This is where I came across the list above, and I started thinking about my kids what do they think describes them. I wondered, do they think of themselves as I think of them? What do they stand for?

3 words to describe my kids:

Braden – Kindhearted, Intelligent, Determined

Alyssa – Determined, Performer, Savvy

The word that jumped off the page to me: DETERMINED. All three of us had this in us, but we are not the same. This helped me to understand more in-depth that we can be the same and be different…we are each UNIQUE! Celebrating your uniqueness is a blessing, and should be a positive impression on ones heart. This uniqueness will help you to stand out in a crowd, in an interview or among your peers. Once you know your descriptive words (and you are not limited to these…notice I couldn’t just stop at three), you have something to embrace, something you can be on FIRE for. This fire inside yourself will assist in your future successes and not only be a positive impact on your life, but other around you!


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