Boot Camp Challenge

Ready for a Challenge?

BootCampChallengeLogo The Boot Camp Challenge offers a unique program that provides individual attention in a motivating group setting. You’ll achieve short-term fitness goals and gain the skills to make lifestyle changes. No matter your fitness level, this program will offer you a challenging workout that will push you to your fitness limits.

Boot Camp Challenge
Standing, from left: Tammy Classens, Bobbie Clark, Haley Arndt, Tracy Keel, Kim Yoder, Lisa Hine, Angela Pigg and Gail Kraus. Kneeling, from left: Sharon Acra, Ashley Bowers and Maureen Bernath.

Up at 4:30 on a Monday morning, driving in the dark, I have to admit I was thinking, “What have I signed myself up for?” I arrived late, and the first thing out of Key Largo owner Melanie Karrick’s mouth was, “Drop, and give me 20.” Geeze, these people take this boot camp thing seriously! Next, we formed a circle and jogged in place for a warm-up, and I had the opportunity to meet my fellow campers. Warm-up didn’t last long, and we were broken up into teams and given our “challenge.” If you don’t know what a burpee is, then don’t fear; you will by the end of week one. The series of high-interval exercises are designed to raise your heart rate and challenge you physically, all done with a supportive group and a little smack talk — all in good fun, of course! The one-hour class ends with a five-minute stretch and a round robin of each individual rating his or her level of work for the class from a one to 10 (10 being “I worked my butt off”) and what he or she liked best and least about the workout. Each workout is finished with a group “hooah!”

The Program

If you’re looking for accountability to stick with a workout program for a period of time without bailing, this camp is for you! The six-week boot camp (because of the holiday, I signed up for the three-week course) is a nationally recognized program created by Lori Patterson, who served in the Army for three years. The results-based fitness program is focused on building strength and fitness through a variety of intense group intervals with rapid changes between combinations of bodyweight exercises such as pushups, crunches, burpees and mountain climbers and uses various gym equipment such as resistant bands, free weights and bar bells to target areas of the body. Each class is guided by a certified instructor who develops a series of exercises and team challenges that are different each day. The high-energy environment is built on camaraderie for every level of fitness. An assessment is given at the beginning of the class and at the end. Chanting and encouragement from teammates is motivating and makes for a fun program!

Quote from fellow camper Ashley Bower, marketing at MFA Oil

“Boot Camp Challenge has been amazing. I have seen tremendous changes. I’ve lost pounds and inches and decreased my body-fat percentage. I have gained energy and strength and have met some amazing women. Everyone is there for the same goal, and we help support and push one another. Getting to the gym so early in the morning was really tough at first, but I like knowing there are people waiting for me. It keeps me accountable and helps me get going. Melanie is great! She challenges us but encourages us to modify the exercises when needed. The workouts are different every time…and we have a lot of fun.” Ashley’s enemy: Push-ups.”


Angie’s challenge

“It’s not where you start in life but where you finish.” Here’s where I started my three-week challenge and where I finished. My challenge is to do your own fitness evaluation (whatever that might be) and increase the numbers significantly enough for it to be a challenge. It’s completely OK to set big, hairy, audacious goals!
Calories burned: 350 to 550 each class
What to bring: Water bottle, athletic shoes and a good attitude!
Type of activity: Any age, gender or fitness level. Entire-body workout.
• Body composition and measurements
• Cardiovascular assessments
• Muscular endurance assessments
• Nutritional guidelines (food journal)

Boot Camp duration and cost:
2x per week classes: $129 for members, $149 for nonmembers
3x per week classes: $189 for members, $219 for nonmembers
Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 5:15 to 6:15 a.m.
Tuesday/Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m.
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m.

Key Largo and Fitness
701 Hillsdale Road
Columbia, MO 65201
[email protected]

404 Portland St, Ste C | Columbia, MO 65201 | 573-499-1830
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