Biggest event of my life

I am currently planning for the largest event of my life. I have never planned for this kind of event before. I don’t know the day. I don’t know the time. I don’t know how long it is going to take, what food is going to be served or whether drugs will be present. I don’t know who all will be there. The planning process is physically and emotionally draining. The event rehearsals are painful, time consuming and always tend to be in the middle of the night. The upfront cost is astronomical, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t decrease much after the event. In almost any other circumstance, I would have fired this client a long time ago (okay well, unless the compensation was absurd). So why am I being so patient and understanding this time around and absolutely love this client more than I knew was humanly possible?
I’m becoming a mom.
As someone who lives and works by deadlines and schedules, you can imagine how discombobulating planning for this life altering event has been. I have never been more overjoyed and felt less prepared in my entire life, and I am quickly learning the truth and value behind the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.”
I wrote in a past blog post about the importance of having experts involved when planning an event. Experts ensure your event is of the highest quality and runs as smoothly as possible. Let me tell you…I have never valued the opinions of experts more than I do now! Surrounding myself with a team of experts, everyone from physicians and nurses to friends and family, has proven to be absolutely priceless throughout the planning process, and I know their value will only continue to increase once my bundle of joy is born.
What’s funny is that as a very Type-A individual, I expected these past 9 months to be completely stress-filled since there is so much that truly is out of my control. I quickly learned that I could drive myself crazy with the lack of control or fully take in the experience. My daughter has already shown me the importance of taking life in stride and only focusing on managing what one is capable of managing. My patience has increased, my anxiety of the unknown has decreased, and I am truly able to embrace and enjoy this experience. Her impact is already profound.
It is amazing the occurrences in our life that impact us in ways we never considered. Embrace every life event – positive or negative – for they help shape us into the people we desire to be. It is our experiences that drive us and develop us. We don’t always know how we will be affected but that is the beauty and wonder of these experiences.