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Erica Beshore

Erica Beshore

Who is Dr. Erica Beshore?

Age: 31

Occupation: group fitness instructor at Wilson’s Fitness

Years lived in Columbia: 9 years

Original hometown: St. Louis, Mo.

Community involvement: United Way Health Advisory Board, Dancing with the Missouri Stars 2012, Former Board Member for the Boys and Girls Club of Columbia

A favorite recent project: Winemaking in Napa Valley, Calif. My husband and I have created our wine label (Beshore Family Vineyards) and are producing our own wine. I’ve really enjoyed learning everything that goes into making a great wine.

Family: No kids for us yet. Brent and I are lucky to have two sets of very supportive parents and three siblings.

What I do for fun: Travel! Brent and I love taking trips around the world. Traveling gives you perspective on the world and enriches your life through meaningful experiences.

Most people don’t know that I am: naturally an introvert. My class participants would probably never guess this, but it has taken me years to become comfortable expressing myself in front of others.

On a typical weekday night, I am: home with my husband, making dinner and drinking wine.

In a single word, I am: nerdy

The three questions I hate getting: Why do you live in Missouri? Usually from people we meet from the coasts. What is your major? I don’t mind looking young, but really… So, how come you are not using your Ph.D.? I am, just not in the way everyone else would.

The businessperson I admire and why: My husband Brent. He is one of the most innovative and hard working entrepreneurs I have ever met. Brent has done amazing things in such a short period of time and also has a heart that seeks to serve and help others. I am constantly in awe of the man I married. I often wish I could be as bold in accomplishing my goals and starting new ones as he is.

The song that absolutely must be included on the soundtrack to my life: “We Are Young” by Fun.

They’re making a movie about my life. The film’s biggest climatic moment would be: I crack the code on the obesity epidemic.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? My freshmen year of high school I was on a bus ride to Chicago for a show choir competition. We were well on our way when I got sick with food poisoning before the bus could stop. Needless to say, it was not a very enjoyable trip for those in my choir or myself.

My go-to cocktail: I am a red wine type of girl.

If I could be any animal I would be: a dolphin. I love the ocean, and I was a swimmer growing up so it seems appropriate.

If I were a crayon in a box of Crayolas, I would be: Razzle Dazzle Rose

My all-time biggest regret: I wish I had had more confidence as a child and teen. If I could go back and talk to young Erica, I would tell her she is awesome and to care less about what other people think of her.

My guilty pleasure: marathon days of cardio classes. Too much cardio can be a bad thing, but I absolutely LOVE being able to work out in my favorite classes with my friends for hours at a time.

Relationship status: married. I met my best friend Brent almost seven years ago. We were married in October 2008, and it was the best decision I ever made.

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