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My Green Cities | New Business Update

My Green Cities | New Business Update

3406 N. Moreau Road, (573) 239-4235,

A local online company founded on Earth Day 2010, My Green Cities, has widened its net.
Owner Arianna Parsons’ original goal was to register 100 locally owned, independent businesses in Columbia that operate with sustainability in mind. So far, she’s signed up about 110 local businesses, along with another 50 from outside the area, such as Minneapolis and Houston. There’s even a listing from a company called Green Moves in Brighton, Australia.

The My Green Cities app for the iPhone launches on April 22, which is the company’s one-year anniversary. With two or three businesses from around the country signing up every day, Parsons said the momentum is both overwhelming and inspiring.
“I’m able to learn about all the great things people are doing for the environment and society, and it’s inspiring, even if sometimes I’m like, ‘Slow down, slow down,’” she said.
To register with the site, a business must be independent and locally owned. The application process involves a detailed survey about the business’ energy usage, waste disposal, water conservation and other social awareness issues. There can be some industry-specific questions as well, such as whether a dry cleaner uses the carcinogenic chemical PERC.
“It’s a really different way for people to think about where they want to shop, matching people on issues other than just how inexpensive a product is,” Parsons said. “It’s about…feeling good about your purchase because you’re supporting a business with policies you believe in.”
The iPhone app will make conscientious purchasing even easier in Columbia. It lists about 40 industries and allows users to filter through the different businesses to find the best fit for them: for example, a restaurant that uses only local produce or has a vegetarian menu or is the closest to their location so they don’t have to use much gas to get there.

The launch of the app will coincide with the launch of My5, which will allow local artists, musicians, jewelry makers and fashion designers to showcase their five favorite products.
To celebrate the new app and My5, participating stores in town will tie green biodegradable balloons to their doors on the launch date, April 22. That evening, there will be a launch party at the Artlandish Gallery from 5:30 – 7 p.m.

404 Portland St, Ste C | Columbia, MO 65201 | 573-499-1830
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