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Five reasons for continuing ed

Five reasons for continuing ed

By David R. Wetzel, Suite
Anyone deciding to pursue additional education to support his or her career will discover the significance and benefits of that action.
Many people make decisions about jobs and careers after leaving high school or college, some based on clear goals and others on need. However, there are many varied and often uncontrollable reasons why these initial occupations do not last. This leads to five reasons why continuing education must be considered as a positive investment for achieving success in a chosen occupation.
 1. Job instability
Additional education helps employees remain current within a career field because changing jobs numerous times in one’s lifetime is inevitable.
The average person changes jobs 10.8 times from age 18 to 42, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report in June 2008. This study also found that earnings were higher for college graduates compared with those who had less education.
Other highlights of the study:
• Adults changed jobs the most before age 27.
• On average, men held 11 jobs and women held 10.6 jobs from age 18 to age 42.
• Of the adults who began new jobs between the ages of 18 and 22, 72 percent of those jobs ended in less than a year, and 94 percent ended in less than five years.
• For adults who began new jobs between the ages of 38 to 42, 31 percent ended in less than a year, and 65 percent ended in less than 5 years.
Because of the number of jobs adults are expected to have by the time they turn 42, continuing education is essential for everyone to remain employable in the job market.
 2. Career investment
A job is the most valuable asset someone has in his or her life. This is why it is so important to invest in additional education. Academic success leads to increased job retention and improves this invaluable asset.
Many people will not hesitate to invest in the latest technology gadgets or other extravagant items. However, they must also view continuing education as an investment in life and a support for providing the money they need to maintain their lifestyles. Although it takes time and money up front to complete courses and obtain a degree, the return on investment is well worth benefits expected throughout a lifetime.
  3. Improving job skills
Continuing education courses help to ensure that a person’s knowledge and skills are up-to-date with the latest trends affecting his or her career field. The action also makes a boss more likely to view the employee as a valuable asset during downsizing or layoffs.
Earning a higher degree, certification or completing continuing education units are worth the time and financial investment. By selecting the right continuing education degree related to a chosen career, jobs skills and specializations are enhanced, which makes a person a versatile employee. It also increases his or her value in the job market when the time comes to seek other employment or a new career.
 4. Finding a dream job
Another benefit of adult education is learning about career fields that might lead to a dream job. The reality and requirements for these potential jobs are better understood through enrollment in related courses.
When adults continue their education, they are more likely to discover a job that matches their passions and talents. This is not only accomplished through course work, but it is also realized through internships. These opportunities allow someone to test the waters before jumping into a new career. This is a critical step many people do not use or use effectively when coming out of high school or college.
 5. Increasing career earning potential
Adults who earn a college degree tend to earn more during their lifetime than those who do not seek additional education. Education pays off and is worth the investment in time and money.
Do not settle for any job, any career or a lower income. An investment in continuing education can increase marketability through improved jobs skills and potentially a dream job. It also leads to greater job stability and greater lifetime income, which is further incentive for taking a positive career step through additional adult education.

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