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Guest Column: Robison good for business

Guest Column: Robison good for business

As a Columbia small business owner for 30 years, I’ve seen the local economy rise and fall. What sets this economic decline apart from previous downturns is that much of the current representation on the Columbia City Council is neither responsive to nor proactive about improving jobs, trade or industry.
Rod Robison is running for the Sixth Ward seat of the City Council on two basic platforms: improving the local economy and decreasing crime. These two issues are not just campaign slogans for Rod. Rod has been a valuable member of the management team at two small plumbing supply businesses here in Columbia. He worked for several years at Columbia Water and Sewer and has been at Riback Supply the last 16years. He not only understands, but supports the business community.

Also, Rod’s support of local law enforcement is not just lip service. Rod volunteered for the Columbia Police Department for eight years. He strongly favors continued funding and support of area law enforcement efforts.
Rod understands that a decrease in jobs and an increase in property crimes are directly related. That’s why his slogan of “The Balance We Need” is so appropriate. Sure, Rod appreciates the environment, our trails and the park system. In fact, he walks or bikes on the trails a few hours every week, but he also understands that you have to balance environmental concerns with the real concerns facing Columbians today: the need for good jobs and public safety.

Rod’s opponent in this race has had the luxury of serving her first three years in a good economy. During that same time she has repeatedly voted “no” on issues that would have created jobs in Columbia. We simply can’t afford this same type of representation another three years.

If you care about Columbia, if you care about reducing crime, if you care about creating and maintaining jobs, you must vote for Rod Robison, Sixth Ward candidate for City Council on April 7. You can visit Rod’s web site at

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