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Continuing education courses can turn multi-tasking entrepreneurs into masters of all trades

Continuing education courses can turn multi-tasking entrepreneurs into masters of all trades

The phone is ringing. Someone just came through the front door. A customer is waiting to see you. Two employees called in sick. A delivery truck has broken down. A shipment of vital parts is a day late. And the air conditioner in the warehouse is on its last legs.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

But it’s often just another day at work for small-business owners—those die-hard idea folks who are masters at multi-tasking and problem solving. Sooner or later, they end up doing it all, whether that was the way they planned it or not.

As we work with clients and assist them in reaching their goals, we see time and time again that it’s the entrepreneurs who find time to work on the business—not in the business—who experience growth and remain competitive. If a small-business owner is fortunate enough to find time to address issues of strategy, long-term financial planning and innovative marketing, he will also find a way to succeed. Many—those who are unable to free themselves from the day-to-day operations or the technician role in the business—they find themselves constantly trying to catch up and get ahead. The idea of taking the time for some continuing education or professional business development training seems out of the question.

But the truth is they can ill afford not to take the time.

All of the best research in entrepreneurship tells us that there is a strong correlation between education and success in business management. That doesn’t mean you have to have a doctorate, but it does mean that you should take the time to gain the skills you need to ensure you have your company on a solid foundation in terms of planning, marketing and financial management.

That’s one of the ways the University Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship can help. In addition to working with entrepreneurs one on one to address specific business-management challenges, UCIE offers a wide array of business-management education that is real-world, proven, applicable and cost-effective.

Through our Small Business and Technology Development Center, we have offerings ranging from “Starting a Business in Missouri: The First Steps” to an advanced session entitled “Measure, Manage and Succeed: Building a Balanced Scorecard for Your Company.” The courses in this area include financial management, marketing, business planning and business self-assessment. Based on participant feedback, we often provide training in specific areas relating to human resources, creditworthiness, QuickBooks for small business and quality control.

Our Procurement Technical Assistance Center program offers sessions for business owners interested in pursuing government contracting activities. Local, state and federal government entities buy every product or service you can imagine. These offerings prepare you to become registered with public agencies and provide the nuts and bolts you need to break through the bureaucracy and win government awards.

Our center also works with entrepreneurs seeking to attract Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Awards from federal agencies. These agencies set aside a percentage of their annual budgets to fund research and development of technology at universities and in private companies. We can teach you the basics of successful SBIR/STTR proposal preparation.

While taking a few hours out of the week to attend this kind of professional development may seem too costly in terms of time away from the business, it’s a good way to invest in your company’s future. Think of it as a few hours to be away from the daily demands to spend time on your business—not just in it. You will find the modest investment of time and resources is repaid many times when you implement what you learn. And we’re available for you after you leave the classroom as well to address your individual needs.

More information about these and additional offerings can be found on our Web site at under the “calendar” listing. Call us at 573/882-1353 to register.

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