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Your tax dollars for private schools: Senate Bill 389

Your tax dollars for private schools: Senate Bill 389

Many newspapers covered the announcement of 14 former curators of the University of Missouri unanimously opposing Senate Bill 389. While the newspapers did give good coverage to the fact that some of the provisions of the bill may be unconstitutional or unenforceable, they failed to address four or five other provisions of the bill that should make it unacceptable or questionable to all Missourians.

One of the areas of concern is the start of a new student aid program.
In Section 173.1103.3 there is created in the State Treasury the “Access Missouri Financial Assistance Fund.” . . . Section 173.1105.1 provides that, beginning with the 2007 – 2008 academic year, a student “who meets the other eligibility criteria” shall be entitled to a state grant which does not have to be repaid.

The language of the bill regarding the minimum and maximum award amounts to students is as follows:

1. $1,000 maximum and $300 minimum for students attending institutions classified as part of the public two-year sector;

2. $2,150 maximum and $1,000 minimum for students attending institutions classified as part of the public four-year sector; and

3. $4,600 maximum and $2,000 minimum for students attending approved private institutions.

You have read this correctly. Your state legislators and Gov. Matt Blunt want to give, not lend, students money to attend private colleges.
While all of us value the role of private schools, this is a use of tax dollars to benefit private institutions at the expense of properly funding the public colleges and universities of our state.

As you can see from the bill, a student attending a private college will get $4,600 per semester, while a student attending Missouri State, University of Missouri, Southeast Missouri State or another four-year public institution receives only $2,150.

It makes no sense for our governor and legislature to start giving private colleges and universities your tax dollars to fund those institutions when the legislature has seen fit to fund our public universities at a rank of 47th in the nation.

What is wrong with low-interest student loans that require the student to pay back the benefit of his or her education?

If you are concerned at the prospect of using your state tax dollars to fund private colleges, call and e-mail the legislators in the Missouri legislature. Your opinions really do matter to your elected representatives.

Governor Matt Blunt: 573-751-3222.

To obtain the e-mail address of your State Senator and Representative, go to and

—Attorney John Lichtenegger served on the Board of Curators for the University of Missouri from 1985 to 1995, including two years as board president.

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