*Business Profile*Midwest Mailing owner Stan Fredrick goes from retail mail to pre-sort, starts recycling center.
Member Owner, Williams-Keepers LLC AGE: 43 JOB DESCRIPTION: I am a tax partner with the…
*Business Anniversary: Cool Stuff*Eclectic retail store turns 20.
*Business Anniversary: Bluestem*Art and craft gallery celebrates 25 years of teamwork.
Football Coach Gary Pinkel and organizers of the Missouri Tigers’ SCORE Against Hunger campaign came…
*CBT Q&A — Accounting* Local accountants discuss Columbia’s economy.
Kraig Kahler will lead Columbia’s task to solve its looming electricity supply shortage.
*Nanotechnology*MU researchers taking nanotechnology to market
*Architecture Review*Five local architects display pet projects.
*Engineering Contests*MU students learn through design competitions.
Terracon Consulting Engineers & Scientists in Columbia is busy drilling holes and cutting through rock…
Timeline 1993: The city releases a study addressing issues related to city government office space…