
Power Lunch: Is Columbia still business friendly?

*Power Lunch: Economic Development*Government and industry leaders discuss Columbia’s business climate.

Incentives persuade homeowners to boost energy efficiency

*Energy Stars*Homeowners tap incentives to increase home energy efficiency.

City View: City uses federal grant to experiment with ways to ‘get about’ Columbia

*City View*Ted Curtis, Get About Columbia’s manager, outlines benefits of bike-friendly projects.

Notes from the Note Girl: Vinyl Flashbacks

*Notes from the Note Girl*Tracy Lane gets vinyl flaskbacks at Mizzou Records.

Range Line Expansion: Paving the way for northern growth

*Range Line Widening*A CBT center spread takes a bird’s eye view of expanded northern artery.

Guest Column: Public school system affects local economic development

*Super’s View*Superintendent says schools have important economic development role.

Power Lunch: Business and Sports

*Power Lunch: Sports and Business*Sports industry administrators advocate teamwork to build indoor facilities.

Smith remembered for accounting, courtroom prowess

*Stephen B. Smith*Colleagues praise the late accounting executive for his courtroom prowess.

Menu Maker Foods slowly gobbles up competition

*Business Profile*Menu Maker Foods sees growth by out-performing the competition

People You Should Know: Chris Belcher

*People You Should Know*New schools chief admires Warren Buffett and loves blues music.

Tom, the Schnucks guy

*Shopping for Superior Customer Service*Grocery checker wows customers with personal service.

City View: Budget proposal sustains core services despite revenue declines

*City View Bill Watkins*Proposed budget to keep services going in tight economy