Jodie Jackson Jr.

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crowd gathered in a art studio for the Featured Unbound Book Festival Event

(Re)Discover COMO: Unbound Book Festival, Museum of Art and Archaeology, and Capen Park

Unbound Book Festival   Did someone say, “Book festival?” Even better? “FREE” book festival.   The 10th…

Featured Covid Icu Nurses Reflecting On Pandemic Experiences

COVID Reflections

People didn’t believe that COVID was real and that so many people lost their lives…

The Columbia, Missouri City Hall building, highlighted by high, pillowy clouds against a blue sky.

Murphy and Heath Challenge Buffaloe for Mayor’s Seat

Incumbent Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffaloe faces three challengers in the April 8, 2025, municipal election.…

True False Movie Goer Wearing True False Glasses

(Re)Discover COMO: True/False, Heritage Trail, and the Gateway

African American  Heritage Trail   Columbia’s African-American Heritage Trail is a two-mile walking trail in central…

Featured A Researcher Using A Microfilm Machine

Missouri’s ‘Unofficial’ State Historian is Retiring

At 76,700 square feet, the stately building at the corner of Sixth and Elm streets…

An illustrtion shows a Bucees sign replacing a column on the Mizzou Quad.

They’re Coming!

Trader Joe’s (true), Costco (apparently not),and Buc-ee’s (nope). It turns out that the No. 1…

Stefan Freund preforming

Editor’s Picks: Coming Up in COMO

Latin dance party, ‘Freund at Fifty,’ and the next Talking Horse New Play Festival Dia…

Adonica Coleman - ready for another Bridgerton Ball

Calling All Lords and Ladies 

Bridgerton Ball redux promises transport to ‘a night of Regency.’

Cellphone chained and secured with a padlock

Off the (Smart)phone

New Columbia Public Schools policy seeks to mitigate distractions.

Columbia Chief of Police Jill Schlude giving speech

The Human Cost of Policing

Chief Schlude forecasts an end to CPD’s ‘staffing slump.’

Renderings by Monarch Architecture of Love Columbia six plex.

Affordable Housing Coalition Pursues Solutions and Action

Affordable housing. What do those two seemingly simple words mean together? The saying, “If you…

20 Under 40 Realtors & Real Life

When disaster struck, Megan Walters had to break the heartbreaking news to new homeowners who…