Gene Hill, author of multiple books illustrating his life with dogs, made the clever point…
*Business Profile*Get Lost Bookshop owner Meghan Gilliss keeps Columbia reading.
The expansion of supermarkets in Columbia has been exceeding the population growth for years now, and Hy-Vee is about to give local shoppers even more options when deciding where to buy their groceries.
The recession is causing more people to pick up groceries and cook meals at home rather than eating in restaurants, but store operators and industry observers say shares of the supermarket pie are bound to shrink when Hy-Vee opens its second store next month in the south and its third store next spring in the east.
When people are hunting for a new home or planning renovations, “eco-friendly” is quickly rising…
*Business Profile*Menu Maker Foods sees growth by out-performing the competition
The job market is tight, and so more adults are going back to school, education…
In 2005, Casy Berndt, a Columbia attorney with a background in family law, teamed up…
*Scooter Power*Vespa dealers on a roll as scooters become more popular
*Salon Market*Salon business still booms in bad economy
*Business Profile:*MU students run online, eco-friendly clothing store
Mississippi Fish Shack owner Kim Perry learned to cook from her grandmother, and she displays photographs of her grandparents and her suave father in the entryway of the restaurant, which opened on Broadway downtown six months ago and serves home-style dishes.