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The Great Outdoors

Outfitters hope patrons go take a hike, bike or engage in whatever other outdoor activity…

Welcome to the Homeland: A Journey to the Rural Heart of America’s Conservative Revolution

Brian Mann has Kansas and Missouri in his blood, even though he now lives in…

MU’s College of Engineering launches regional center to focus on energy efficiency

A national center promoting industrial energy efficiency has opened at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Funded…

Confessions of a Mystery Shopper

Sales pitches, personalities affect customer’s experience at tire stores One of the jobs of a…

Odd Jobs: Keeping movie on track is Groundhog Day experience for projectionist

I’ve daydreamed at times about how cool it would be having a different job, one…

Past leaders knew value of good city streets

When I was an ROTC student at Mizzou in the early 1950s walking along Rollins…

PYSK: Ted Curtis

Bike/Ped Program Manager, Public Works Department, City of Columbia AGE: 59 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Plan, coordinate…

Vision for downtown must include improved infrastructure throughout city

The ninth floor of the Tiger Hotel was the setting for a recent gathering of…

Marketing and advertising executives outline industry trends

As businesses compete, strategies for advertising and marketing campaigns must change to meet the tastes…

Executive coaching helps find new ways to solve problems

Not everyone is familiar with the term “executive coach.” A working definition of executive coaching…

SBD Board must remain vigilant to keep downtown business scene vibrant

SBD Board must remain vigilant to keep downtown business scene vibrant When I opened my…

From the Editor

Blame political leadership void for likely state minimum wage hike The Missouri Chamber of Commerce…