Several restaurants under development downtown are planning to open shortly before mid-August when thousands of…
DSL: Digital Subscriber Line DSL is a high-speed connection that transmits digital data over telephone…
*People You Should Know*Greg Cecil raises funds for MU engineers, and loves Jimmy Buffett’s music.
In the highly competitive business world, only the aggressive, risk-taking alpha male can expect to…
In 2004, when Wendy Knorr started her marketing firm and Sara El-Toumi opened her salon and spa in Columbia, women had reached the point where they owned a 50- percent or greater stake in 48 percent of privately held U.S. companies.
The Center for Women’s Business Research study said that was a 6-percent increase from 1997.
*CBT Q&A*Walther reviews year as Missouri Bar vice president.
The Association of Missouri Mediators, an independent organization, has opened a statewide office in Jefferson…
*Black’s White*Paper REDI chairman offers plan to boost economic development.
MU law professor Richard Reuben is trying to use his expertise in dispute resolution and…
President, The Communications Center Inc. Owner, Law Offices of S. J. Read AGE: 52 JOB…
*Chamber*Annual Meeting Teresa Maledy wins Outstanding Citizen Award.
ABOVE: Dave Dunafon, left, toasts with a friend in the hazy smoking lounge. Above:…