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Range Line Expansion: Paving the way for northern growth

*Range Line Widening*A CBT center spread takes a bird’s eye view of expanded northern artery.

People You Should Know: Chris Belcher

*People You Should Know*New schools chief admires Warren Buffett and loves blues music.

Business Briefs

Local company building broadband network Bluebird Media LLC announced plans to roll out a high-speed…

Business Briefs

VA Mortgage Center moving to Ice Chalet VA Mortgage has outgrown its offices near…

Customizing backyard wildlife

Mel Toellner began his business 13 years ago when he and his wife and children…

Enrollment increases at Columbia’s colleges and universities

*College Enrollments Rise*Economic downturn a major factor in upward trend

Columbia’s economic rankings

*The Big 25: Economic Rankings*How does Columbia stack up against its peers?

Guest Column: Building a sustainable business with sustainability leadership

We are in the midst of a sustainability shift. Nearly everyone cares about the future…

People You Should Know: Tony Mayfield

*People You Should Know*The new UMB community bank president runs marathons.

Bluestem adapts creatively to economic downturn

*Resilient Retailer*Bluestem adapts creatively to economic downturn.

Online veterans analyze social network options

*What Social Networks Do You Use?*Online veterans analyze options.

People You Should Know: Katie Harris

*People You Should Know*Katie Harris is addicted to House Hunters.