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Interns Describe Insights Beyond the Textbooks 

Interns Describe Insights Beyond the Textbooks 

  • "Interns Describe Insights Beyond the Textbooks" originally appeared in the October 2024 issue of COMO Magazine.
City Council Interns Marcello Sieverin and Lacey Salazar.

I decided to give up my monthly column in the magazine to let our summer city council interns write about their experience working with the mayor and council. As a reminder, in our form of government, the mayor and city council do not have any staff to help them with research, communications, and scheduling. Because the demands can feel quite high, I asked the leadership with MU’s Truman School of Public Affairs to see if there was the possibility for students in the Master of Public Administration program to intern with the council. 

Students could both learn and help local government be more effective. This summer was the first year the Columbia City Council had interns, and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the students and loved hearing their recaps of the experience and I think you would, too!  

Barbara Buffaloe photographed in Downtown Columbia

Barbara Buffaloe currently is serving her first term in office as the mayor of Columbia.

Marcello Sieverin

Marcello Sieverin 

During the summer, my colleague and I had the unique opportunity to work alongside the mayor and city council to find efficient ways of communicating with the public. This internship was more than just a learning experience; it was an eye-opener into the inner workings of local government. While my MPA classes provided a solid theoretical foundation, the real-world application of this knowledge offered insights that textbooks simply cannot convey. One of the most striking revelations was witnessing the immense effort that public officials put into accommodating citizens’ needs, much of which goes publicly unnoticed. 

Throughout this internship, I sat in countless meetings and observed firsthand the dedication and hard work that goes into public service. These meetings were more than just formalities; they were dynamic discussions where every decision was scrutinized and debated to ensure that the public’s interest was prioritized. The level of coordination required before and after these meetings was astounding. From drafting proposals to addressing concerns raised by constituents, every step was meticulously planned and executed. 

The experience gave me a newfound appreciation for community engagement and the intricate process of policymaking. It was fascinating how much effort goes into ensuring that the city’s operations run smoothly and that the voices of the citizens are heard and considered. This behind-the-scenes look at local government revealed the complexities and challenges that public officials face daily. 

Government can indeed be daunting at times, but experiencing this process firsthand highlighted the importance of perseverance, communication, and collaboration. 

This internship not only enhanced my understanding of local government but also inspired me to continue pursuing a career in public service. The experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of effective communication and community engagement in shaping a better future for our cities. 

Lacey Salazar

Lacey Salazar 

This summer, we had an incredible opportunity to immerse ourselves in local government as interns for city council members in Columbia. Stepping out of the classroom and into the real world has been among the most rewarding experiences. From attending city council meetings where decisions shaping our neighborhoods are made to collaborating on projects for the council, this internship was both an adventure and a valuable learning experience. 

Our classes at Mizzou provided a solid foundation, enabling us to follow discussions and decisions at the government level. It was amazing to apply our academic knowledge in real-world settings. One aspect I greatly appreciated from my professors at Mizzou was their encouragement of innovation. This was more pronounced in my graduate studies compared to my undergraduate experience, and I was able to leverage this encouragement during the internship. 

Networking was a significant aspect of our internship, extending our reach beyond the local level. Through the International County/City Management Association (ICMA), we connected with city staff from across the U.S., all working on similar research topics. Our main project — researching best practices for communication between city council members and the community — was enriched by these connections.  

At the beginning of this internship, I didn’t fully understand the importance of planning and zoning in local government. Learning about this topic has broadened my understanding of housing, and I am thankful to be able to follow and comprehend discussions on this subject. 

I also want to thank the staff at the Truman School of Public Affairs at Mizzou, Mayor Buffaloe, the city council members, and City Manager Seewood for making this happen. I look forward to see where this partnership will go in the future! 

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