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The Mayor’s Core Values: Service, Trust, and Joy

The Mayor’s Core Values: Service, Trust, and Joy

  • This story originally appeared in the July 2024 "City" issue of COMO Magazine.
Mayor Buffaloe works with a student as part of Columbia Public Schools’ Partners in Education program.

In the two years I have worked as Columbia’s mayor, there are two questions that have come up repeatedly: “Is the job everything you thought it would be?” and “Who would subject themselves to this for $9K a year?” 

My answer to the first question is “Yes” (with a few caveats). My answer to the second is, “Because the call to public service is one of the most important calls you can answer.” Running for mayor wasn’t part of a career strategy or a rung on a political ladder; it was an answer to a call to action. Columbia isn’t just where I live; it’s my home and my family. Being the mayor is an opportunity to serve the place I love.  

As mayor, I am guided by three core values — values that form the foundation of every decision I make. They are: Service, Trust, and Joy.  

Service is at the heart of my role. Service means working to advance the public good, sometimes at the expense of your own goals or popularity. It means not pushing an ideology, agenda, or self-interest. It requires a genuine desire to improve the lives of others. For me, service is not just a duty; it’s a passion. 

I inherited decisions made by previous mayors (eg. Hindman’s enviable biking infrastructure, McDavid and Treece’s passion for the airport expansion). I believe it is our role as mayors to serve our community by making investments that will have benefits for generations. I want to pass along a lighter baton to those who come after me. 

I also believe that Columbia needs to be a place where the opportunity to serve is open to those historically left out. That is why I have worked to increase the diversity of representation on our boards and commissions, and support the city manager’s proposed community connectors program, which gives neighborhood leaders the opportunity to bring their voice to city discussions.  

Trust forms the bedrock of any relationship, and the relationship between the public and the city is no exception. Besides just wanting to be trusted, I also naturally trust others when they come to me with their lived experience, or in the case of city staff, their professional expertise. Being able to attend community events and receive updates from staff on a daily basis is what helps build these relationships and trust.  

I believe that communication is a key part of building trust. That’s why it’s important for me to respond to emails, return calls, and make time to sit down with people over coffee. It’s also why I have championed communication with city departments. We are lucky to have staff who bring so much professional expertise and institutional knowledge. But it is critical that the city communicates about upcoming projects and solicits input from the public. 

The city must also acknowledge when they are not meeting goals and explain why. Otherwise, people sense their needs are not being met. Projects are most successful when they incorporate professional advice and peoples’ lived experiences.  

Finally, joy is an essential element of public service. As mayor, I experience joy every day. Joy comes from the pride that I have in our city. Joy comes from witnessing the hard work that so many people here do to make this a better place to live. Joy comes from working with others to overcome challenges, and from celebrating our city’s successes. I believe that one of my duties as mayor is to pass that joy along to others.  

My role as mayor is driven by a commitment to Service, Trust, and Joy. These values guide every decision I make and every action I take. I believe that together, we can build a Columbia where Service is the standard, Trust is the norm, and Joy is the reward of a community well-loved. 

Barbara Buffaloe photographed in Downtown Columbia

Barbara Buffaloe currently is serving her first term in office as the mayor of Columbia.

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