2017’s 20 Under 20: Makali Hawkins, Hickman High School

Parents’ names:
Holly Wheatley, Josh Wheatley, Matt Hawkins, Christy Hawkins
Post-graduation plans:
I plan on attending MU with a major in nursing and a minor in photography.
Dream job:
If I didn’t have to worry about money, I would go on mission trips for the rest of my life. I really enjoy going to different places and learning about different cultures while helping out where I can. I would love to help with impoverished neighborhoods, hurricane relief, finding solutions for clean water, or anything else where I can make small differences.
Favorite class in high school:
American Sign Language. I took it on my own time during the evenings and I wish that Hickman would offer it as a class in the future. The ASL class taught me a lot about the deaf community, and I feel like this class has helped me out more than any other class I took in high school. I’m able to make small conversations with some of the special education kids at our school, and I’m able to communicate with deaf patients at my job.
Favorite club or extracurricular in high school:
My favorite extracurricular was speech and debate. It helped me gain confidence in myself, improved my public speaking, and taught me how to take my thoughts and beliefs and form them into logical arguments. I also found it really satisfying that I was able to work myself up so far in the competitions.
Proudest accomplishment in high school:
I would say that my proudest accomplishment throughout high school would be being a part of the People to People Ambassador program, and traveling and volunteering throughout multiple countries.
Best advice you’ve ever received:
If you even have the slightest feeling that you want to do something, do it. Regrets aren’t worth your time.
Biggest lesson learned in high school:
Move on. There are going to be things that will disappoint you all the time, whether that be a bad test grade, friend drama, or not getting into the college of your dreams. You’re not doing yourself any favors by dwelling on what could have been, so get over it and move on.
Future goals:
Ultimately, my biggest future goal right now is to finish college with a degree that I love and find a job that I genuinely enjoy getting up in the morning to go to.
Favorite teacher:
Sarah Gerling.
Person I admire and why:
My mom. She is the backbone of my entire family. She keeps everybody together and tries everything she possibly can to make everyone happy. My mom is constantly on the go — whether it be carting my brother and sister to their practices, visiting a college with me, or trying to make one of her intramural kickball games — but even with her plate full, she still finds a way to make sure everyone feels loved in our house. My mom is an incredibly strong, independent, kind, and caring woman. She is the foundation to all of the good things in our life, and I am forever grateful for her.
What you do for fun:
I enjoy playing lacrosse, going out with my friends, performing music and spoken word poetry, and volunteering.