Pet Personalities

Among all the animals at All Dogs N Cats, Bob is the king of the castle. As the official greeter, he lies on the front counter and mingles with everyone who comes into the pet groomer.
The staff of All Dogs N Cats welcomed Bob into their shop when his original owner decided she no longer wanted him due to his mellow personality. He went from near abandonment to being the face of the business. “He’ll lie in his bed, but when people come in, Bob heads back out on to the counter so he can be pet,” says Jeanette Porter, owner of All Dogs N Cats.
And not even a cat-chasing dog can intimidate Bob. “Oh, he’ll stand his ground,” Jeanette says. “If a dog gets in his business, he’ll bat at them.”
Jeanette and her girls regularly bring their pets into the office. They’re a mixed bunch of animals that came from varying backgrounds. According to the girls, Minnie is the entertainment at the office. The Italian greyhound has a certain swag to her — but maybe it has something to do with her bright pink nail polish.
One-eared Nala, well-trained Miller, good old Hershey and rambunctious Wooh round out the rest of the All Dogs N Cats crew.