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People You Should Know: Chris Belcher

People You Should Know: Chris Belcher

Chris Belcher, Superintendent - Columbia Public Schools

JOB DESCRIPTION: Chief Executive Officer to the Columbia Public Schools’ Board of Education.  We employ over 1,600 professional staff and over 2,400 total staff.

AGE: 48  YEARS LIVED IN COLUMBIA: 2.5 (1992-1994) during graduate school. I have been back in town since April 2009.


EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in education (biology/chemistry) from University of Central Missouri 1983; master’s degree in education from University of Central Missouri 1987; doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Missouri, 1992.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: I moved to Columbia in June and now reside in Cherry Hill.  I have been active in Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce in several communities, and the Methodist Church.  I am the President of the Missouri Safe Schools Center Advisory Board and on the SuccessLink board of directors. I plan to take part in many local community groups.

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: I have spent 26 years in the field of education. I have taught high school biology and chemistry and coached high school football and track/field at Holden and Blue Springs high schools. I spent six years as a building level administrator in Liberty and Blue Springs. I served as assistant superintendent for five years in Warrensburg and as superintendent for four years in Kearney. I spent six years as a professor of secondary education at the University of Central Missouri in the middle of my career. This is my first year as superintendent in Columbia.

A COLUMBIA BUSINESSPERSON I ADMIRE AND WHY: Warren Buffett. He has a great intellect, a level-headed view of the world, and uses his wealth for meaningful philanthropic projects.

WHY I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT MY JOB: I have the chance to work with dedicated individuals who share my passion for public education every day. Together we are committed to do what is right for the students and our community.

IF I WEREN’T DOING THIS FOR A LIVING, I WOULD: …be singing the blues with the Bel Airs (if I had talent and they had patience).

BIGGEST CAREER OBSTACLE I’VE OVERCOME AND HOW: Dealing with budget reductions in several school districts. This was best dealt with through open communication and an eye on essential programs.

A FAVORITE RECENT PROJECT: I am excited about the development of plans for a third comprehensive high school in Columbia.  This will reduce crowding and increase participation of students in school activities.

WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS PROFESSION: That it is a great profession.  The constant vitality and energy of students keeps you young at heart. The stress of my job is often relieved by having lunch with students. Their view of the world is refreshing and honest. It reminds me all over again why I chose this profession.

WHAT I DO FOR FUN: Bicycle on the KATY Trail, read, listen to music (mainly blues, but I also like the rock ‘n’ roll tunes of my youth), travel, and spend time with my family.

FAMILY: Jackie and I have been married 26 years, and we have a daughter, Alex, who is 18 and a freshman at MU, and a cat, Cali, age unknown.

FAVORITE PLACE IN COLUMBIA: Many restaurants and the KATY trail.

ACCOMPLISHMENT I’M MOST PROUD OF: Personal – a happy, healthy family. Professional – student achievement gains at Kearney School District.

MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THAT I: required speech therapy as a child.  I started speaking clearly in the second grade and haven’t stopped since.

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