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Case Studies: Using multiple media to reinvent a winery’s overall image

Case Studies: Using multiple media to reinvent a winery’s overall image

Agency: Pure Marketing and Media
Client: Les Bourgeois Vineyards

Objective: To reinvent the company’s advertising image across all media, utilizing current design techniques, cutting edge technology and targeted placement.

Background: Les Bourgeois consists of one company-wide brand and four sub-brands: Les Bourgeois wine, A-Frame pavilion, bistro and tasting room. Each sub-brand commands a unique message, target audience and advertising schedule that must harmonize with overall branding efforts.

Strategy and Media Mix: Each sub-brand will require a unique set of specially tailored messages and placements to properly reach the audience. Overall, Les Bourgeois is an extremely visual product that should evoke images of rich wine and beautiful scenery. To better capture the brand, the focus of the creative process and much of the placement will be shifted toward visual outlets.
Print: An original print campaign including new logo, collaterals, signage and newsletter will be rolled out in late 2008 and early 2009.

Film and Photo: From a variety of film shoots, a new series of TV spots will be produced, along with a short documentary and Web site video content. These were shot on the market-leading Red One Digital Cinema Technology. The Red One is a fully manual 35mm digital film camera that shoots at 4520 X 2540 pixels, or roughly 4x the quality of HD and is operated by a six-person crew.

Web: A completely new Web site is under development and will incorporate a user-managed update system, a customer management system and updateable video content. This will move the purpose of the Web site from an online brochure to a truly interactive online resource.

Online Advertising: Upon completion of the Web site, a comprehensive online campaign will provide a targeted means to engage each demographic.

Event Marketing: Street teams and various forms of viral marketing will be used to create a buzz, especially at the University of Missouri. Les Bourgeois will host a variety of new events, each aimed at bringing a specific demographic to the property. This will provide not only new revenue streams, but also a highly-targeted marketing effort.

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